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Thanks for watching my Diana guide! I invested A LOT of time and effort in this video, so if you found this to be helpful and learned something new, please consider subscribing if you want to help the channel grow :)
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Here are some bonus tips:
- Diana automatically autoattacks once after using ult, so you don't have to worry about missclicking.
- Diana's passive cleave works on inhibitors when you hug it and not just attack from max range. (Thanks to Hand_of_Helios)
- Apparently i said W passes through all enemies, which wasn't my intention. It DOES pass through enemies, but there's a limit (the orbs)

Комментарий от : @Yeagerlol

ah man i miss old diana. no necessarily better than new diana, but still.
Комментарий от : @bored_weeb1958

Комментарий от : @strivi4396

Hi nice guide. Helps alot. But i think the 2nd activation of Dianas W does not refresh but instead give you the shield a 2nd time additional to the 1st shield.
Комментарий от : @skoriox6868

Ok, but i've seen videos were people use their e and then an explosion happens, what is that?
Комментарий от : @laspatatassonrientes3420

Can you use precision as the other rune?
Комментарий от : @bhozen457

thanks for the guide. i just started playing lol and diana is my go to, but the genuine fear of how toxic a league match can get always has me on edge.
Комментарий от : @kaaphkaa

If people in 2019 still don't know about quickcast with indicator...
Комментарий от : @AemilianaRosewood

Diana is so op
Комментарий от : @khafi4972

I played a game Diana with gunblade because my lainopponent, an ekko, would just burst through my w shield and the lifesteal and spellvamp came in very handy, and I’ve grown to really like gunblade on Diana. What do y’all think about that item on Diana?
Комментарий от : @d3vilman555

Beste guide i've ever seen ! Good job man !
Комментарий от : @ohjeez6966

Good vid. Can you remember the name song? I mean the piano song.
Комментарий от : @fluctuoso

Amazing guide man, covered everything and more I could think of.
Комментарий от : @poseidonjones1195

great guide! super useful
Комментарий от : @ian127

can someone put captions on this, i really cant understand the way of his speaking since my hearing isnt that much "native." im really sorry. i jut love this video das why pwizzz :<
Комментарий от : @Ayannandesu

oi sou um brasileiro, main ez gostaria de ver vc jgoando com meu champ ensinando o seu guia que estar no moba fire vlw s2. abraço irmao
Комментарий от : @marcoscorteletti8742

Thats a really good guide, thank you
Комментарий от : @jakub8257

Me i dont like the build n1 bc he is too squishy, we can os with the 3rd but we have more life and he s cheap so
Imo :)

Комментарий от : @xenallyfersten6836

I don't know if you will see this , but i wanted to thx you for the cassiopea guide
Комментарий от : @perlepin4268

Can u make draven guide
Комментарий от : @notdevin248

New vid bro ? WHENNNN From french !
Комментарий от : @rengokinghd8769

Awesome guide, man. Very informative
Комментарий от : @GoWailord

Flas dude rl
Комментарий от : @gali9851

Also could you post the codes to the item sets?
Комментарий от : @BabyCalypso

Another big important trick you forgot is that when attacking an inhibitor, your passive does not proc if you are hitting it from max AA range. you have to manually step as close as you can before AA to get your passive procs off
Комментарий от : @BabyCalypso

Idk i swear I didn't see her in 200 ranked games this season. She also never gets touched by riot like they forgot about her. Her playrate stats aren't too bad but it over all feels kinda weird..
Комментарий от : @nilsus8365

Im in s4 i main Diana and i was doing that build Lich Bane>Nashor Tooth>Sorcery>Zhonia>Void Staff>Rabadon or Lich Bane>Hextech Gunblade>Zhonia>Void Staff>Rabadon but i will try this new and Diana top
Комментарий от : @polskasurykatka5326

damn i have 500k plat and felt so dumb
Комментарий от : @noahlederer8587

you should try glacial augment diana
runes : glacial augment magical footwer viscuit delivery approach velocity second wind shield bash offense attak speed + adaptive force and for the build hextech glp sorc boots morel dcap zonya or void.

you oneshot people also the runes work perfect against any matchup for all stages of the game.

Комментарий от : @lolwounds5184

One of the few video's I pressed like for.
And that's because you said how to do the RQ combo properly, so, thank you :)

Also, a few more choices with Diana, especially now that Vayne is "meta".
And that's cleanse.
As an assassin player, the main thing that shuts us down is CC. And most supports pack CC, so, we usually aim for ADCs when the support is distracted or the ADC is alone.
But that's not possible when the enemy is vayne for example. As she will simply condemn you into the wall and kill you.
And here comes cleanse, instantly remove the stun, and now you can R back on her :) and kill her :)

Also cleanse removes ignite, so, it also counters that. It also counters other popular champions such as lissandra or zoe.
Even in hard match-ups such as Ahri, where Ahri can just charm you, or annie, or xerath. Whom once you get on top off, you get cced and they try to burst you down. Well, now you can just cleanse that :)
Also pretty good against jungle ganks.

Комментарий от : @sergiusprintar5491

ooooh i learned a lot of good stuff here even though diana is my most played champion. I never knew about the combo with 3 r's after waiting for the q, w hitting all the people passed through with r, ult placement, and the target champions only option. Awesome video!

P.S. for you diana players that want a fun troll build, play jungle diana, bloodrazor -> nashors -> guinsoos -> wit's end -> titanic hydra (whatever boots besides atk speed boots) and max e first

Комментарий от : @versutus2699

I notice in the RoA / Nash build you don't mention the gunblade option. I still love the troll build of roa/nash/gunblade with defensive boots and often a tank item, if not two. While it's been a couple of seasons since I played a lot of Diana, I actually had quite a few amusing games with this build while I was climbing through plat.

What do you think of it these days, has lifesteal splitpush Diana been relegated to a meme, or is it just overkill on dueling power?

Комментарий от : @AronFigaro

Amazing guide! But Im personally more into toplane so what about toplane diana? Especially conqueror build?
Комментарий от : @Isami510

Is Lich Bane bad on her? I remember when she was first released (and quite possibly one of the most overpowered champions upon release!) people built lich bane and 2 shot everyone. Also when facing heavy AP nukes, do you substitute zhonyas for banshees or any other MR item? Is MR boots a good idea or is it always better to just try and outdamage them?
Комментарий от : @travisbelleville7064

Please write some subtitles.
Комментарий от : @HoopleBogart

Probably the most comprehensive Diana guide out there. Well done!
Комментарий от : @departures1916

But what is her best skin / chroma?
Комментарий от : @emilia1670

Nice guide. I played Diana before S4 but actually Is difficult for me play her again top or jung.
Комментарий от : @ravenkov8075

You never want to use Normal Cast. Use Quick Cast with indicator instead. Shows you the range and you only have to release the key. Doesn't seem like a lot but it can and will make a big difference over the long run.
Комментарий от : @SkyZocktOfficial

this guide is so useful and well made. waiting for more
Комментарий от : @bahikhalil6430

Can you do one of syndra
Комментарий от : @andrewma73

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