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Bold choice of items
Комментарий от : @rykensnow

what the wolf champion in zwag team?....is that champion deleted?
Комментарий от : @gouravdhar5945

Комментарий от : @smichuchichu6704

When you didnt take barons soul i was mentally screaming. FEED ME THEIR SOULS!
Комментарий от : @lanceyoungblood9267

With Wildrift coming out im excited as hell to be able to play lol.. even if its on mobile. I have been looking at champions and I want to play support, Thresh support. Your video just sealed it for me! It looks fucking badass!
Комментарий от : @Nyarlatha

OMG tc zwag your team is very very trash we dont help you
Комментарий от : @fanislabropoulos5069

What are your runes?
Комментарий от : @moltenwow1221

Wow 2 chain weapon based champs😁😁😁👌
Комментарий от : @johnwicked-gaming5950


Actual vid: not a single one shot

Комментарий от : @VictorSevenTV

love u zwag ,, fan from kuwait
Комментарий от : @Withoutbias

Video reported for misleading title.
Комментарий от : @pancreasdragonheart9765

Imagine taunting as trundle and dying 3 seconds after
Комментарий от : @Fattedemu

A dumb head smurfs and thinks he's cool
Комментарий от : @hoathoang5052

listening to pikmin music for a youtube video, nice wtf
Комментарий от : @LostSockDrawer

What kind of runes is that
Комментарий от : @tibzgarcia1493

dark harvest will be more strong, one-shot ADC after 15 souls
Комментарий от : @Nemo-hg7hn

u know what i hate abt streamers they go all in on a champions with weird strategies in a low elo accounts just to make views while this is kind of impossible if they played it in ranked on there main accounts, it mean with this skill level we all have from iron to gold who obviously watch this it's kind hard for us to play these plays because he is smurfing and it makes no sense
Комментарий от : @ahmedoueslati5094

I usually like to go Gunblade into Sorcs then Stormrazor or Rapid or Statikk depending on what I’m feeling. The zap is more damage early and the slow usually guarantees the rest of your hail autos unless they dash, plus the healing is great. I don’t think ravenous applies to the e auto either, so I always go ingenuous. I remember way back when running it with duskblade and old dark harvest and shit, ad thresh is always fun.
Комментарий от : @biben10

U didnt oneshot nobody xd dont lie woth those clickbaits, and u are so bad lol player
Комментарий от : @coke514

runes ?
Комментарий от : @roland1408

Tedious video🙄
Комментарий от : @atakansirin2585

Is that pikmin theme music in the background?
Комментарий от : @littleman2414

Ap rengar
Комментарий от : @polarlegend6694

Комментарий от : @sandae6269

At 3:45 when you recalled in my opinion you should’ve stayed and pushed the wave so you could get boots and the wave wouldn’t have collapsed like that
Комментарий от : @giftedscrub

Could u make a build guide for this?
Комментарий от : @aaronkrukemeyer1584

Why not write the runes in description?
Комментарий от : @tomagren2542

Is nobody gonna talk about how good that gragas is?
Комментарий от : @charuan12

These stupid titles... you started to copy them from renektononly or something like that.
Комментарий от : @claudiu8793

Why u never buy potions? I think that its worth for more time in the lane isn't it?
Комментарий от : @vagnerfreitas8058

The amount of souls he doesn't pick up is making me anxious
Комментарий от : @akulaasonen1065

I knew a guy who played Thresh ADC back in Season 3, when i played this game...

It was AMAZING, due to its one-shot potencial And i mean literally one shot (As in 1 hit=dead)

Комментарий от : @Ramza1987

Gragas Top but he's so drunk, he builds like Garen
Комментарий от : @uhdictiveSUGAH

Play gragas but build everything with aether wisp and get swifties
Комментарий от : @roscartv

Plz don't play thresh anymore, like yes i get it, youtube. But as a thresh main this hurts my eyes
Комментарий от : @bjornsimons5

Should lantern roll save your team sometime
Комментарий от : @Swagsyndrome

You one shot nobody like not even close wtf is this title
Комментарий от : @percival7600

Still fun to watch crit thresh ty for this
Комментарий от : @jacobpedersen9808

<3 to see you play a on hit Teemo as a fun build idea.
Комментарий от : @MrDestroyerPrime

Does he not stream anymore?
Комментарий от : @lightrushxd4265

Yet another OMG title with a boring ass video where nothing crazy happens, fuck your titles man. If nothing crazy happens, fine, we'll still watch, stop lying to your audience.
Комментарий от : @austinbachurski7906

could you please play AD Zilean?
Комментарий от : @Kalondava

20:21 ye they did in like 10.2
Комментарий от : @robez0256

Title says “thresh auto will literally one shot”.... you literally didnt one shot anyone... not a single person... not one... nope... none...
Комментарий от : @Postnghost1234

that e passive is real? Ive played him before and never noticed
Комментарий от : @robez0256

mega crit thresh? more like mega shit trash OMEGALUL
Комментарий от : @arsiameinsohnio

ap kog'maw
Комментарий от : @marius4976

Can you play Predator Hecarim with rapidfire?
Комментарий от : @quereeeeca

i think Thresh is actually neither ranged nor melee. i think Hydra doesnt work on thresh, but i also think hurricane doesnt work as well. so he is neither. So building melee only and ranged only is pointless on him
Комментарий от : @RaskaTheFurry

another click bait well by :/
Комментарий от : @Shadow-yp4tx

ap ashe maybe?
Комментарий от : @Your_Friend259

Mate I watch you for death sona, not fcking around with clickbait in low gold. If I want to see low gold I will just boot the game up.
Комментарий от : @OhMyGadd

Attack speed/on hit braum?
Комментарий от : @damienc4174

As usual click bait bull shit. 'Literal one shots'.... you didn't one shot a single person in fact you did 12k damage overall and took atlas to half health with 1 hit once. Stop fucking clickbaiting your videos and wasting our time.
Комментарий от : @georgeorourke375

Hehe may ad thhresh season 3
Комментарий от : @chambangrecipe3951

Perhaps you could do a fun cho'gath build?
AD tank, full ap,...?

Комментарий от : @dhuwy8665

There trundle is literally trolling. Acting like a clown in the midlane and die to zwag losing his double buff and then later die in the bot lane giving lucian a double kill XD
Комментарий от : @secreteachie2631

Now I understand why my midlaner pick thresh mid and go afk with 0/8 KDA at 10.
Комментарий от : @cristianguevara3490

Leaving a comment on every video to beat the algorithm
Streak: 25

Комментарий от : @malcolmscott7986

The Title and his voice dont match
Комментарий от : @Died1209

Zwag you need to stop mate haha. Do you know how much shit I get from my team mates after you put these videos up thresh/mf mid op... me omg I can try that we end up ff at 15 lol
Комментарий от : @Bukaroo

You should try lux AD it was awesome and so freaking hilarious dude.. 😂
Комментарий от : @makztv6538

You should try lux AD it was awesome and so freaking hilarious dude.. 😂
Комментарий от : @makztv6538

AP bard?
Комментарий от : @midnoob1650

Lol i always play this in ARAMs, oneshot the enemy squishy carries and still get pinged by my team xD
Комментарий от : @zovoloo

Oh dear, flay him every time him dash in...
Комментарий от : @khoifoto

bruh, the team mates were so disgustingly bad
Комментарий от : @ImBenGee

Do some predator crit ap build where you're going super fast for champions not ment for it :) like gragas
Комментарий от : @Tha_Monsta88

He's just like professor akali and bunny both annoying as hell only thinking for themselves got no any intention to save friends. It also feels like staged. Gonna unsub bye.
Комментарий от : @aa-zr6fz

Voli should of gone lichbane predator with righteous glory youmous blade deadmans and moby's witsend
Комментарий от : @Tha_Monsta88

Hey man, you should go lethality sion! Nothing like chunking 90% with a single bush q
Комментарий от : @deepsouthheat

i really love yr videos . how about a braum one
Комментарий от : @hanymostafa6091

AD Zoe, use her passive bonus dmg combined with trinity, gunblade, and duskblade to chuck 90% of adc's healthbar
Комментарий от : @dias147

Hey man can you try kayle mid super fun champ to play whit
Комментарий от : @sebastianrodrigueznieto5742

I like watching ur vids cuz ur not screaming like a moron every time you take a kill ur like the only streamer i watch
Комментарий от : @nospapsy1164

I thought he was just a xerath main
Комментарий от : @rhen4610

Lol trundle tried to bm then dies
Комментарий от : @ruuusaki

pity you didn't get to one shot someone
Комментарий от : @85mrwhippy

Комментарий от : @AAA_BABA

Try predator nunu in the top lane maxing w first for the big snowball damage
Комментарий от : @mirkozancanaro4932

Full AD Yummi top lane
Комментарий от : @comoethtaththeniortulio1748

So sad that actually you didn't one shot anyone , and I was clickbaited again....
Комментарий от : @danielriet2256

how original in 2020
Комментарий от : @nirio789

Elise mid with omnistone(optional), please!
Комментарий от : @zacheus1

Комментарий от : @onpredator1099

11:49 "but dad will probably have to cum later"
Комментарий от : @samflynn97

Lich Bane Bard.
AKA Meeps of Death.

Комментарий от : @Flavourius

Day 59 asking for Senna
Комментарий от : @GeoXT

Bro! 6:02 that save on gragas after he popped sylas was just pretty
Комментарий от : @joecollester4838

That ward trinket would have been usefull to predict those ganks
Комментарий от : @njalsand133

Sylas is OP
Комментарий от : @DJ-ys9pv

Do you play these different off meta Champs in ranked? Like are these videos ranked or normal?
Комментарий от : @nickieb2636

is there any place that i can get your playlist? i really like most of the music you listen to
Комментарий от : @ryanrcosta

only happened 1 time, and it was aaaalmost one shot, at the very end. sadly
Комментарий от : @ManoelVictor686

Go Lulu Ad jg always fun
Комментарий от : @VaxicGaming

I literally played this exact build yesterday and it's so fun.
Комментарий от : @julenliantrehe6780

Ap reksai mid zwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
Комментарий от : @TheHH1991

I've been doing crit thresh a long time. Best thing to get is Sorcerer's shoes. Most of the burst damage comes from the E passive, which does magic damage.
Комментарий от : @JuanPretorius

ad thresh is my JAM!!! i always play him adc. it's so sad that stormrazor got changed tho, the old stormrazor with thresh e passive could literally kill anyone without defensive stats in one auto. it was the most fun thing ever. i really wish we could get the old stormrazor back. but i've been playing adc thresh since season 4, it's one of my favorite things in the whole game :D
Комментарий от : @BothHands1

Can someone tell me what the TC before his name stands for
Комментарий от : @griffinmelia3038

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