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The whole song run on 4/4
Each part contains 8 bar like a general song
Only small odd bar added to this song
All you gotta do is keeping your 1-2-3-4- as strong as you can.

That's MESHUGGAH ❤❤❤

Комментарий от : @peenaiyy

I've seen Meshuggah live many times since 1999. Always amazing.
Комментарий от : @robnorwood3591

Love that you are analyzing the technical part of the music - no unnecessary commenting.
Immediate subscribe!

Комментарий от : @spasgeorgiev6909

ended the video at your "i can do without the screaming...." sit down, buddy rich. this aint for your soft hands and 4/4 time signature..
Комментарий от : @stevepalmer2996

Everyone always gives the drummer all the credit but never take into consideration how hard this is to play on guitar.
Комментарий от : @adamapocalypse2689

I started to play drums when i was 15 and my music taste was all over the place, had some 50´s rock, beatles and some disco and i used to play drums to my mothers ABBA records. After maybee a year it was to easy i didnt feel i was progressing any more with that music so i tested to play jazz and that was much more tricky but i never fell in love in the energy of the music. Then i got my hands on a record with Sweet and heard the song Man with the golden arm.This started my love for metal and heavy rock, this was music that would keep me progressing for years before i fealt i was good enough. So the name Thomas Hakke, is Swedish and in Swedish u prenounce the e at the end, its not silent like in english words. ty for a good reaction
Комментарий от : @kjelledbom1728

time is not where you think it is.
Комментарий от : @thehauntedfisherman1792

if the singer didnt scream it would feel so wrong
Комментарий от : @Ben-ph3gb

Guy immediately recognizes the herta pattern. Good shit
Комментарий от : @jornvl6327

LOL my man is having a HARD time with these drums...
Dont worry... I do too..

Комментарий от : @mr.e0311

Regarding the screaming shit. That was my reaction when I first discovered the band in 2006 I think. That was like literally feeling my throat cramping. But all their releases starting from 2002 were so hypnotizing so I continued listening to them all day long. And at some point I got used to the screaming and the cramping has gone. But this is still the only metal/screaming band in my playlist. Haven't found anything like that so far.
Plus, I noticed that after some age (around 35 maybe) listening this type of intense music requires working out quite hard or some drinking. I'm 42, spend at least 2 hours a week in the gym and I can listen easily to like half of the album. And I rarely play full.

Комментарий от : @timurizhbulatov2116

They are if not one of the greatest bands ever in life history
Комментарий от : @2kpurp879

I saw them live at the Royal Albert hall, London in 2022…Tomas is built different …they were phenomenal
Комментарий от : @valleysofneptune

You are HILARIOUS!🤣''Only to pay electric bill''🤣
Комментарий от : @zdravkogeorgiev6388

Should check out the song ''Slave Labor" by Fear Factory.
Комментарий от : @DVEX1000

Bleed is a relaxed song...for Tomas anyway. He looks like this is a walk in the park. Meshuggah is an aquired taste. I like them a lot but prefer Gojira's Mario Duplantier. This is just a preference I have and I totally respect Tomas Haake. He's amazing.
Комментарий от : @maureenwagg5305

reaction aside, fuck flow marching and dci for their shit they do that with EVERY Single video that uses their events thing but meshuggah is also one of my fav bands future breed machine and born in dissonance >>
Комментарий от : @spencerandcayden2358

Literally the only "reaction" person that picked up on the hertas. And you heard it immediately. Kudos.
Комментарий от : @cdsmock4512

9:08 holy shit he did change his socks 😂 I would’ve never noticed that
That’s hilarious, must’ve soaked through them in sweat to the point it’s either extra weight or slippery

Комментарий от : @MartianMoon

"See, time is not where you think it is" at 10:44 is like a quote from a Nolan's movie that has not yet been made.
Комментарий от : @michamozdzen4704

Tomas Haake's calves are the hardest material on earth.
Комментарий от : @roskis6493

I keep coming back to this video over the years. Still enjoy it.
Комментарий от : @bill_the_butcher

5:53 The look that you get when you doubt everything you were told. Including yourself.
Комментарий от : @brenthoward760

Tomas is impressive, but guitars don't get enough credit
Комментарий от : @TheAccentPodcast

It’s funny how this jazz dude came into this all cocky and confident and then as the track progress you can see his confidence vanish. Eyes darting 😯😀 priceless. And no ,all your time signature guesses were wrong. And that’s one of Meshuggah’s most straightforward tracks.🤷🏻‍♂️ Thomas Haake got a lot of drummers wondering if drums is their thing 🥴🥱
Комментарий от : @DJSoledrifter

"Where is one?" Well, technically everywhere but you can just choose where it should be.
Комментарий от : @Inferlis

Best reaction to this live version I saw until now
Комментарий от : @du_auch_da4520

Meshuggah uses that Def Leopard one two style beat
Комментарий от : @dinglbarry1275

Welcome to algorhitmic music
Комментарий от : @oscarbariteau8488

I'm so happy this video is back up. I watch it every other month. 😆
Комментарий от : @mikeh6286

The screaming is like vocals on distortion. Like distortion on guitars, it is not 'normal'. However, this has to be arranged so it doesn't sound like too many guitars on distortion playing at the same sound space. Gojira is a band that does this so well. While Meshuggah is probably on the extreme side of the spectrum.
Комментарий от : @wotwot6868

Комментарий от : @watrewatre1982

Why cant I see this in your playlist anymore?
Комментарий от : @morganlarsson2660

Any particular reason this is unlisted? I love rewatching your videos, it makes me feel I can appreciate the music better
Комментарий от : @haschkakor

"I could do without the screaming but this is what they do". Obviously not into metal.
Комментарий от : @adamsowers8957

Great video Garrett! Tomas is as great of a guy as he is a drummer.. super cool and down to earth guy..
One of my great drum teachers Dave Elitch got me into Tomas years ago! Bleed!!!

Комментарий от : @greggsfavoritesongs2354

Endurance drumming.
Комментарий от : @mitch-lawless

He changed his Scion socks three times in this I do believe.
Комментарий от : @bodazaphfa

Thomas is actually an AI drum machine.
Комментарий от : @bodazaphfa

I assume you've heard of JD Beck so it might be hard for you to do a react video to him lol
Комментарий от : @imothy

Shit's not random... hahaha
Комментарий от : @JonathanGoslan

8:28 basically everytime I listen to meshuggah
Комментарий от : @sssveny

Don't know how good you are at editing but you should use the audio directly from the video not played through a speaker and recorded through a mic. The loss in fidelity eliminates the most important part, the galloping triplets on the bass drum!!
Комментарий от : @seanriopel3132

One of the best metal songs of all time.
Комментарий от : @filippians413

To this day, still the best reaction to Bleed on the web. You noticed so much detail in the rhythm, the bass drags, the difficulty in playing something like this live--fantastic for a heavily edited video, let alone a one-take like this. A+ vid, dude, thank you again for having a listen.
Комментарий от : @snaffu1

People will always talk shit about metal, but it is never someone that knows what they’re talking about. The people they listen to will hear bands like this and consistently be impressed by the skill of the people that can play at this level.
Комментарий от : @multifister47

I actually can’t imagine the world without this song existing.
Комментарий от : @mattnsim

I can't believe I've seen almost every reaction there is to this video, and just now, you are the first one that has noticed (and shown me) that he put on socks during the break, your attention to detail is amazing
Комментарий от : @DonjiPicudo

Haha I love your reflexive stankface.
Комментарий от : @deatheragefarms

This mother trucker friggin tagged by Rollingstone now.
Комментарий от : @Legitimas1113

Ostinatos/patterns for the whole song, tabbed as 32th notes, lengths in 16th notes or bigger values if more convenient:

@ Herta pattern, RLR•L•, length: 3
@ RLR•L•R•L•, length 5 (first pattern, the herta, is inserted into a couple places just before when a 4/4 hypermeasure starts over)
@ Herta which starts as X•RLR• two beats before first measure of the section, X being snare
@ R•••R•••RLR•X•R•••R•••RLR•X•RLR•X•R•••RLR•X•, length 22
@ RLR•L•R•L•R•L•RLR•L•R•L•R•L•RLR•L•R•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•R•L•, length 27
@ RLR•L•RLR•L•••••RLR•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•R•••••, length 20 or more simply, five beats
@ RLR•L•R•••••RLR•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•R•••••RLR•L•R•••••RLR•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•R•••••RLR•L•R•••••RLR•L•RLR•L•, length three measures
@ RLR•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•R•••••••RLR•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•R•••••••, length 29. Think of it as consisting of a shorter pattern of three hertas and a longer pattern with four hertas. There is a longer, six herta pattern replacing the four long one at two places in the verse and the whole verse goes as follows: 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 6, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 6, 3, 4, 3.
@ RLR•L•R•L•R•L•RLR•L•R•L•RLR•L•RLR•L•R•L•RLR•L•R•L•R•L•, length 27. Exact same pattern as the one at @ in the video but is offset, i.e it starts at a different place.

Rest of the song is just hertas, length 3. They start with the two 16th notes as opposed to the two 32nd notes when they begin rolling at the breakdown, and also the final verse.
There are no tricks when playing these, eventually it's just memorizing 4/4 chunks/hypermeasures/whatever you wanna call em. Think of it as polymeters or rhythmic displacement. I've known this song from a technical standpoint, for a bit over ten years.
These are obviously video timestamps but you can pinpoint the locations of the ostinatos in the song when you listen and recognize contexts.

Edit: for non-drummers, R means right kickdrum or kick pedal, L is left. For guitarists R could be downstroke, and L upstroke.

Комментарий от : @KRAUCH74

2:55 ba-dum tss
Комментарий от : @ryleighs9575

I love how this song is used as an example in "metal is hard". The many damn genres of rock people summarize as one. This is progressive metal, and I dont think you will find a single drummer from these jazz-influenced bands who doesnt have a jazz backround. So honestly...which genre is logically the more difficult?
Комментарий от : @laeronym5884

Him: ahah no one understands jazz... amateurs.
Also him after hearing Bleed: da fok dat iz!?

Комментарий от : @panzeri209

This is metal not for everyone .
Комментарий от : @massimoricciardi6202

You mentioned at one point that the patterns aren't random - that they are rehearsed, because the guitarists are playing the same rhythms as Tomas - and this is correct.
One thing I wanna point out to add to this though, is that the lights are ALSO following these patterns to perfection. This is Meshugga's secret bandmember, Edvard, who plays the lights.

Комментарий от : @ArcienPlaysGames

"And it wasn't just random" Yeah... lots of the smart kids at school who liked music got into metal. Completely opposite what people expect when they don't know heavy music well.
Комментарий от : @ghadrackpotato960

Meshuggah is 4/4.
Everyone knows that.

Комментарий от : @coreymurdoch644

“These guys are fucking insane” is maybe my favorite description ever. That and “it’s NOT random!” Cyborgs are real. Tomas Haake is proof.
Комментарий от : @alexboggs277

youtu.be/UcsAAPdJTBE bleed explained. It's simpler than one might think.
Комментарий от : @HowToQuitWeed

The drummer actually had some problems with his other leg, or so I heard, during this live gig. So pretty good drumming I'd say.xD
Комментарий от : @BillyTheBigKid82

First time I've understood just how technical this drumming is because of how you explained it with examples
Комментарий от : @amyd58

the most amazing thing to me about Haakes performance is that he's doing ghost notes through out... like wtf
Комментарий от : @neonblack211

From Sweden. Saw them live in a super small stage in a festival in Sweden 1994. Insane.
Комментарий от : @reinertify5400

This guy's are fucking insane. Cit.
Комментарий от : @EnjoyingRagnarok

His socks changed a few times . I think that footage may be cut together from multiple nights of the tour.
Комментарий от : @lorenfulghum2393

A gay reacts to a real man \m/
Комментарий от : @bowsertq

Broke my nose in a moshpit when they came to India (GIR Delhi-2010) and played new millennium cyanide trust. It's insane how tight they can be live. Just proud to have experienced this gem of a band live.
Комментарий от : @badanalyst1091

Where's 1? lmfao...
Комментарий от : @metalogical5131

When you go "that was it?" at the end of a 7 minute 30 song, you know you heard something awesome.
Комментарий от : @enlightendbel

For me as a non musician or drummer, how hard is it to replicate for a professional drummer, I mean on a scale from 1-10?
In my ears it sounds advanced and very complicated and also you need a pretty fucked up endurance in your feet, or I'm I way off there?

Комментарий от : @Fred-ck1gh

I’m sorry, that vocal is just stupid
Комментарий от : @downeybill

"Those drags aren't random so its rehearsed" No shit Sherlock
Комментарий от : @levikirkpatrick1033

Imagine that Tomas acrobatically changes his socks during the song as an extra entertainment part of the show lol
Комментарий от : @Worldintime

at first, everybody is lost because the rim shot is on 3.
Комментарий от : @R...-...R

A little psss...yea bro we know . Haha I'm playing cheers man
Комментарий от : @commanderphilbo1471

It's been two years and still my favorite part is.
"The drag's are so Clean, and the time is so messed up"

Комментарий от : @dickbutt69

He puts on socks for the part after the break, then goes back barefoot. He knows what he needs on his feet to produce patterns. His footwork is absolute perfection.
Комментарий от : @briananderson2591

"What was that bro!?"lol
Комментарий от : @lucan369

I bet you understand why this genre of metal music is called "math-metal".
Комментарий от : @KatyaLishch

lol I could do without the screaming
Комментарий от : @suicidesqueeze

Do without the screaming?!?!?! I wish this song had MORE SCREAMING!!!!!!
Комментарий от : @Chasemanb

Meshuggah sounds like me-sugar said in a suburban accent.
Комментарий от : @user-ov5nd1fb7s

Haake is the most coordinated human alive
Комментарий от : @thedrunkengamerx

That Luke Skywalker "Kurosawa" style poster is badass...
Комментарий от : @thumpyloudfoot864

Check out Opeths "Ghost of Perdition" live at Red Rocks... their drummer Axe is phenomenal
Комментарий от : @johnwhittle8302

This is how small minds get expanded....
Комментарий от : @matthewbatie5301

Комментарий от : @mariacallas9962

Vocals: "Aggressive"
Bass: "Heavy"
Guitars: "Crazy"
Drums: It's called "Bleed" for some reason!

Комментарий от : @nipulkradmsinatagras8293

Love it, outta all “reaction-vids” from “Bleed” you’re probably the only one whk actually explains the difficulty while watching it first-handedly! Mad props dude 👏🏼👌🏼
Комментарий от : @Philip1891

With every other person who I've seen react to this, their brains melt out of their ears (which, I mean, fair) in the first ten seconds and they sit their open-mouthed and mumbling in shock and fear for the remainder of the video. I always wondered what it was about Haake's footwork that sounded so distinctly different from other metal I listen to. You pointing out that he's using hybrid snare rudiments like drags and hertas on the kick makes it crystal clear. Still WAYYYY beyond my skill level, but clear. Ya got yourself a new subscriber!
Комментарий от : @SaltWaterDrums

'He's changed his socks.' Best comment.
Комментарий от : @pedrocarlos7287

He doensn't need to stretch, just put in some socks and GO!
Комментарий от : @adrianolima3965

6:15 unsurely bobbing his head because he doesn't know the time signature
Комментарий от : @theyescapedtheweightofdarkness

Комментарий от : @JJones-cl4dm

Its funny because the majority of the song is 4/4 in the upper body, aside from the two sections (Midway and at the end) which is a 3:2 Cymbal:Snare poly. The majority of the weird timing is basically base drum syncopation, one section with the snare being syncopated, and then just the lead guitar sections playing a polyrhythm too.
Комментарий от : @AtticsTV

Still hilarious that he decided to change his socks mid song.
Комментарий от : @blakemcmahon3049

It’s the sort of song that sounds simple but the more you listen the more it opens up it’s amazing
Комментарий от : @daveenglish1270

Yea that's not random......:)
Комментарий от : @krozjacob9029

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